Working in the arts has never been as difficult as it is now, given the pandemic.
Connecting with other colleagues around the world and sharing experiences and work in order to work together and limit movement is very difficult and the security of services such as Wetransfer or third party clouds do not ensure your privacy and you don't know if your files will always be saved in the same place.

Thanks to Amber, sharing your work in real-time and collaborating remotely has never been more efficient.
One of our users tells us how easy it is to collaborate with colleagues in Spain thanks to Amber.
They have created a shared folder where they can both share, read and edit files and articles, so they can get the job done even when the situation is right.
To have video calls in total privacy, they installed Jitsi on their Amber in a few simple steps, thanks to the new Amber Store.
What if there are problems?
No need to panic, thanks to anywhere support, our technicians are always on hand to resolve all Amber issues safely and efficiently.

We look forward to the smart working revolution!
Angelo Bici