Nextcloud Conference 2020
3-4/October/2020 @Berlin & live online

Nextcloud Conference 2020 #HomeOffice on Amber

Nextcloud Conference. Nextcloud is brining the global Nextcloud Contributors Community together for a week of coding, design, discussion, talks & fun, as called Nextcloud Conference.  This year, the #NC2020 event is taking place as a live online event space. Time: 3-4/October/2020. Theme: #HomeOffice

Solutions to Your #HomeOffice 

Represented by Mr. JJ.Jan, LatticeWork is going to deliver a Lightning Talk on Nextcloud Conference 2020. On Section of 4th October Sunday 16:20 (CEST). Title: "Edge Computing Solutions to Streamline Your #HomeOffice Workflow"

Odoo • A picture with a caption
Mr. J.J.Jan on Nextcloud Conference 2020

Self Host. Easily.

AmberPRO is a turnkey solution to host Nextcloud, Odoo and many other Docker Applications for #HomeOffice

NASCompares Review